Back in 2003 on a TKM, Mike won the F6 winter series, several Super 1 rounds and the TKM festival before joining Maranello for the Junior Max Super 1 2004 season.
Hopefully Mike will get a test session in at Whilton Mill in December with Saxon Motorsport before making a final decision. Having been running reliably for the past 5 years and cost effectively, it would make a good practice tool should he also be fortunate enough to land the funding for a BRITCAR drive.
Many thanks to Alan Taddei and his PSC Production team for an excellent 2007 series.
The presentations are being made this weekend at Kartmania, the Karting Show organised by Martin Capenhurst at the Royal Showground at Stoneleigh near Coventry.
Heading Mike on the podium will be Martn Lyell and James Tucker, who both drove well all season. Thanks must also go to Stephen Napier and Luke Caudle who gave Mike stiff competition all year.
The progran will shorly be on Motors TV, but a preview is available on the following link.