To see Odyssey Explained on Youtube Click Here or read on...Some batteries provide enormous cranking power. Others, deep cycle reserve power. The revolutionary ODYSSEY® battery is designed to do both.How is this possible? The answer begins with flat plates made of 99.99% pure virgin lead - not lead alloy. Pure lead plates can be made thinner, so we can fit more of them in the battery. More ODYSSEY battery plates mean more plate surface area. And that means more power – twice as much as conventional batteries. In fact, ODYSSEY batteries are capable of providing engine cranking pulses in excess of 2250 amps for 5 seconds – double to triple that of equally sized conventional batteries, even at very low temperatures, and they can handle 400 charge-discharge cycles to 80% depth of discharge.Thanks to rugged construction and AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) design, ODYSSEY batteries have an 8-12 year design life and a 3-10 year service life. Welded intercell connections enable it to withstand extreme vibration, and AGM design holds acid in place to prevent spills, even when installed on its side. And unlike conventional batteries, ODYSSEY batteries can be stored for up to 2 years and still be returned to full power. ODYSSEY Batteries are also classified "non spillable" by the US Department of Transport unlike conventional batteries. ODYSSEY batteries are shipped fully charged. If the ODYSSEY battery’s voltage is 12.65V or greater, simply install the battery in your application and you are ready to go! If below 12.65V, boost charge following the instructions in the ODYSSEY battery Owner’s Manual and/or Technical Manual. Putting a boost on the battery will not damage it, even if its voltage reads higher than 12.65V. Please take a look at the site. Initially Mike will bring a selection along to the meetings, suitable for the SAXO/106/205 etc, but all sizes are available to suit all classes in the 750MC and most bike and boat applications. Checkout

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