Wednesday, 25 March 2009


At last we have bottomed out the problem of collecting ECU data. Despite ordering the ECU with the capabilities of output to a data logger, the wrong ECU chip was installed in the unit. Mistakes happen when developing a new car, but having spent weeks trying to get the data logger to record ECU data and proved that the ECU was exporting data to the PC, there has been a technical glitch which OMEX have promiced to rectify FOC. Provided they can return our upgraded unit within 7 days, we can make the Mallory test, which is key to Mike. Many thanks to Ben from SPOOXS and Martin from Race Technology for spending so much time trying to get it to work, before coming to the conclusion that the ECU was at fault. When at SPOOX the rear axle and brakes have now been upgraded and lowered so we look forward to seeing the effects.

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